Into the Embrace of a Great Spicy, Gauzy Mother
Ernesto Neto offers another trip into maternal space with “anthropodino,” a spectacular installation of gauzy Lycra fabric, dangling pods, dinosaurish wooden bones and cavernous interiors. Occupying much of the Park Avenue Armory’s 55,000 square foot, 80-foot high Wade Thompson Drill Hall, Mr. Neto’s ethereal construction glows like a magical destination in a children’s movie.
– Ken Johnson, The New York TimesIn an Armory, a Soul Becomes a Casualty
The impressive Bochum Symphony, conducted by Steven Sloane in a tour de force, is positioned on a series of platforms on either side of the audience seating area. The high-tech set allows the audience to be close to the action as the audience seats flow gently up the length of the runway to the crossbar of the T. The production makes this former military drill hall seem almost intimate. Not everyone who wants to see it will be able to do so, but those who do will experience a miraculous realization of an opera once deemed unperformable.”
– Anthony Tommasini, The New York TimesArt in Review: Aaron Young’s Greeting Card
For nearly 10 minutes, a dozen bikers wheeled, skidded and fishtailed their heavy machines across a 72-by-128-foot surface of plywood, burning random lines through a layer of black paint to reveal shades of fluorescent orange beneath. Named after a 1944 Jackson Pollock painting, “Greeting Card” expanded exponentially on Harold Rosenberg’s characterization of the Abstract Expressionist canvas as “an arena in which to act.” It was action painting with lots of horsepower.
– Roberta Smith, The New York Times